SSIP Assessor Refresher training course goes live
18th June 2018
SSIP welcomes Considerate Constructors Scheme as a Supporter Member
4th December 2018
SSIP Assessor Refresher training course goes live
18th June 2018
SSIP welcomes Considerate Constructors Scheme as a Supporter Member
4th December 2018

SSIP Savings to Industry in 2018 reach £65 million

The SSIP Portal calculates savings automatically using agreed algorithms from data entered by each individual SSIP member who accepts ‘Deemed To Satisfy’ (DTS), that is, recognition of another member’s H&S assessment against the SSIP Core Criteria.

Every time a member accepts such DTS they are required to confirm the other members assessment by reference to the SSIP Portal and where this is confirmed members click on a ‘match’ button to confirm this.

The ‘match’ button triggers the calculations, which are basically four-fold:
1. Direct cost savings, i.e. the reduction in fee offered by the member for an agreed DTS
2. Indirect cost savings based on the estimated man hours saved by supplier not completing duplicate H&S application
3. Client savings, where some of the bigger SSIP member schemes have suppliers ‘anchored’ to specific clients, there is an estimated saving in multiple clients not carrying out their own assessments of these ‘common’ suppliers
4. Supplier savings estimated from not having to complete multiple PQQ’s for separate clients, where, as above bigger member schemes have multiple client-to-supplier relationships.

Using this algorithm we can verify savings in 2018 for DTS alone to be £4,762,537.00, with additional Client & Supplier savings authenticated of £60,393,975.00.

The SSIP Portal has been collecting data since March 2016 and these figures clearly demonstrate our mission statement to “act as an umbrella organisation to facilitate and maximise mutual or cross-recognition of health and safety assessments between SSIP member schemes”.

The above figures do not take into consideration savings made directly by all our supporters who utilise the SSIP Portal to verify SSIP Certification with our member schemes.

The SSIP Portal is free to access as is available at