SSIP Unveils Impressive January Statistics
22nd February 2024
Rochdale Borough Council joins SSIP as a Supporter Member
18th April 2024
SSIP Unveils Impressive January Statistics
22nd February 2024
Rochdale Borough Council joins SSIP as a Supporter Member
18th April 2024

Record-Breaking DtS Savings Announced

In a landmark achievement, Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) has proudly announced a record-breaking £10 million in Deem to Satisfy (DtS) savings in 2023, contributing to an overall £70 million in savings achieved by Suppliers and Buyers in the last year. This monumental accomplishment underscores the effectiveness of the Deem to Satisfy process, a cornerstone of SSIP’s approach to streamlining procurement and certification processes for suppliers and buyers alike.
The Impact of £10m Savings

Achieving such a significant savings milestone is a testament to the pivotal role of SSIP in enhancing the efficiency of procurement processes. But what does this mean for the sector at large? The savings achieved through SSIP’s initiatives are a direct result of eliminating redundant health and safety assessments, thereby streamlining the certification process. This allows businesses to allocate their resources more effectively, fostering a leaner, more agile approach to procurement that is crucial in today’s economically uncertain environment.

The Growing Trust in SSIP Certification

With over 83,000 suppliers now proudly certified by SSIP members, the initiative has significantly influenced the procurement landscape, promoting a shift towards more sustainable and cost-effective practices. This expansive network of certified suppliers ensures a robust foundation for safety and quality in procurement, enabling businesses to access a pre-vetted pool of suppliers which adhere to stringent health and safety standards.

Reflecting on this record-breaking year, Eleanor Eaton, SSIP Chair, emphasises the organisation’s commitment to broadening its impact and refining its processes to achieve even greater savings:

“2023 has been a landmark year, marking the highest cost savings ever achieved through our Deem to Satisfy process. With a total of £10 million saved this year, we’ve brought the cumulative savings since 2016 to just under £70 million. This surpasses our wildest expectations and sets a new benchmark for what we can achieve together in the procurement sector.”

Looking towards the future, Eleanor Eaton shares a more personal reflection on SSIP’s direction:

“Moving forward, our priority is to keep broadening our impact, fine-tuning how we work, and pushing for even bigger savings. There’s a lot of potential out there for us to shape the way procurement is done, making it more sustainable and efficient. What we’ve managed to accomplish so far really speaks to the strength of our community working together. It’s about more than just numbers; it’s proof that when we join forces and focus on innovation, we can make a real difference in the procurement world.”

SSIP’s record-breaking year is not just a reflection of past successes but a stepping stone to a future where the procurement process is more streamlined, reliable, and aligned with the highest standards of safety and quality.

Learn more about the Deem to Satisfy scheme alongside potential cost savings and any additional information required here:


This article is taken directly from FM Business Daily

Published 05.03.2024