SSIP Supporter Membership

Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) Ltd  is committed to ensuring reduction in health and safety assessment costs and bureaucracy in the supply chain, by making cross-recognition between all our member schemes as effective as possible.

SSIP Supporter Membership is potentially available to organisations who require their supply chain to hold registration with an SSIP Member Scheme and other interested parties who support the aims, objectives and ethos of SSIP, such as local authorities, major contractors, client and Trade Body Associations.   

Supporter Members agree to: 

  • Encourage their supply chain to undergo, and maintain, a valid assessment with an SSIP Member Scheme
  • Commit to support the aims and objectives of SSIP, communicating their support to their supply chain
  • Provide a link to the SSIP website on their website

SSIP agree to: 

  • Publicise the Supporter Members commitment to SSIP
  • Provide SSIP support and the Supporter Member events where appropriate
  • Invite SSIP Supporter members to all Full Forum Meetings and events

If you are interesting in becoming a Supporter Member please complete the application form using the Apply Now button below. 

Current Supporter Members Include: