Maximise Your Supply Chain Efficiency

Supporter Membership is free of charge, enhances safety competency within your procurement operations and boosts efficiency across your supply chain by using SSIP to eliminate redundant Health and Safety assessments.

Watch our webinar featuring supporter members, Laing O'Rourke and Southern Housing.

Proud Supporter Members of SSIP

The benefits of being a Supporter Member:

Demonstrate your commitment to SSIP as the gold standard in industry safety.

Contribute to significant cost savings for both suppliers and clients.

Gain access to Full Forum meetings to discuss and shape industry-specific best practices.

Enjoy free attendance at SSIP events and full access to detailed SSIP portal information.

Provide and receive advice on industry-specific best practices.

Full access to detailed information on the SSIP portal.

SSIP offers Supporter Membership to major contractors, clients, trade associations and other interested parties who align with SSIP’s aims, objectives, and ethos, at no cost.

This membership is also available to other expert parties at the discretion of the SSIP FMG, who can contribute to the enhancement of health and safety competence in procurement.

What happens next?

If your organisation aligns with SSIP’s aims, objectives, and ethos, it is highly likely you will benefit from Supporter Membership. If you are unsure about your eligibility, please contact our team for assistance.

Supporter Membership acceptance is decided by the SSIP Board of Directors.