SSIP Assessment Categories

The majority of companies involved in a construction project have legal duties under the Constrution (Design and Management Regulations) 2015 or other local legislation.

Organisations are defined as follows:

SSIP Approved

Any organisation who needs to an assessment to verify their organisational capability to undertake works.  This also includes organisations working in Southern Ireland and holding the designation SSIP Approved:IE.

SSIP Approved: Designer

An organisation or individual whose work involves preparing or modifying designs, drawings, specifications, bills of quantity or design calculations.  Designers can be architects, consulting engineers and quantity surveyors, or anyone who specifies and alters designs as part of their work.  They can also include tradespeople if they carry out design work. The designer’s main duty is to eliminate, reduce or control foreseeable risks that may arise during construction work, or in the use and maintenance of the building once built. Designers work under the control of a principal designer on projects with more than one contractor.

SSIP Approved: Principal designer

A designer appointed by the client to control the pre-construction phase on projects with more than one contractor. The principal designer’s main duty is to plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety during this phase, when most design work is carried out.

SSIP Approved: Principal contractor

A contractor appointed by the client to manage the construction phase on projects with more than one contractor. The principal contractor’s main duty is to plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety during this phase, when all construction work takes place.

SSIP Approved: Contractor

An individual or business in charge of carrying out construction work (eg building, altering, maintaining or demolishing). Anyone who manages this work or directly employs or engages construction workers is a contractor. Their main duty is to plan, manage and monitor the work under their control in a way that ensures the health and safety of anyone it might affect (including members of the public). Contractors work under the control of the principal contractor on projects with more than one contractor.

The SSIP assessment covers both UK and the UK and dutyholders operating in Southern Ireland.   The following confirms Republic of Ireland dutyholders:

SSIP Approved IE: Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP)

The project supervisor design process must be an individual or body corporate i.e. a limited company.  In general, this will be a firm of architects, chartered surveyors, consulting engineers or project managers.  It can also be the main contractor (e.g. in cases of design and build contracts or small projects with minimal design input).  In all cases the person or company undertaking the role must have the necessary competence to carry out the relevant duties.  

SSIP Approved IE: Designer

You are a designer if you are engaged in preparing drawings, particulars, specifications, calculations and bills of quantities in relation to a project.

SSIP Approved IE: Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS)

The Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) must develop a suitable construction stage safety and health plan for the project, prior to the commencement of construction work. The plan provides the blueprint for managing and co-ordinating safety and health during construction and needs to explain how the key safety and health issues will be managed. It must be relevant to the particular project and should be developed in conjunction with the Safety and Health Plan prepared on a preliminary basis by the Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP).

SSIP Approved IE: Contractors

A Contractor means any employer whose employees carry out construction work and includes both main contractor and sub-contractor.  Contractor may also include a self-employed person where such a person supplies materials and labour or labour only.  In addition, a body such as a local authority may also be a contractor, if the construction work is carried out directly by employees of that body

In addition, the SSIP assessment ensures compliance with both UK and ROI legislation, if you are looking for a contractor