Do you need a certificate?

SSIP don’t carry out assessments directly – our members do.

If you have been advised you need to have a ‘SSIP Assessment’ you will need to contact one of our Registered Members or Certification Body Members.

These members carry out either a ‘desktop’ audit or an audit against ISO 45001 using the SSIP Core Criteria as the threshold standard.


Our members are listed on our Forum Member page and your assessment will need to cover the appropriate SSIP Category and/or CDM dutyholder relevant to your business.

Each of our members listed include an overview of which categories they assess against and links to their website, telephone number and email address.

All schemes carry out an assessment to the same standard and the data from all completed assessments is visible on the SSIP Portal.

If you do not hold certification with an SSIP Member scheme and have been asked to gain certification by your client we would recommend, in the first instance, checking if your client has a preferred scheme i.e. do they need you to be registered with a specific scheme. If your client recognises any scheme and verifies compliance using the SSIP portal you can select any of our members to undergo the assessment process.

If you have been asked to undergo assessment with a clients preferred SSIP member scheme, and already have approval with another SSIP members scheme, you can apply to ‘Deem to Satisfy’ with the preferred scheme, without undergoing a full assessment*, leading to time and resource savings.

*Some member schemes may require supplementary information as part of their validation process.

Holding an valid assessment** with an SSIP member scheme enables you to demonstrate your compliance with health and safety standards to your clients.

**visible on the SSIP portal


What are the benefits of undertaking an assessment with an SSIP member scheme?

What will an assessment cover?

All assessments are completed using the SSIP Core Criteria as the threshold standard and covers the following:

The assessment completed will be proportionate and relevant to the type of works you undertake and also the size of your business noting the size of your business will include any labour staff working for you.

How much does an assessment cost?

Fees charged by our members vary and take into account other membership fees. It is essential to recognise that all assessments are equal and all are carried out against the same standard. SSIP recommend you review our member schemes to determine the scheme most appropriate to your business needs.

How long will it take to get a certificate?

This varies from scheme to scheme and is dependent on you providing everything needed for the assessment. Typically schemes will try to complete their initial assessment within ten working days.

Forum Members


Supporter Member

Construction Logistics and Community Safety


Registered Member

SSG Training and Consultancy Ltd


Registered Member

Greenlight Safety Assessment Scheme Ltd


Trade Body

Fall Arrest Safety Equipment Training Ltd