The SSIP forum is made up of Registered Members, Certification Bodies and Supporter Members.
In collaboration, forum members actively advise clients on acceptable interpretation and appropriateness of health and safety capability standards in the UK.

Registered Members
SSIP Registered Membership is open to any third-party Health & Safety assessment scheme, including those run by major contractors or Trade Associations.
Through the Deem to Satisfy agreement, assessments completed through Registered Member schemes benefit from mutual recognition by ALL other SSIP Registered Member schemes subject to all correct details being displayed on the SSIP Portal.
Certification Body Members
SSIP Certification Body Membership is open to any UKAS Accredited Certification Body for ISO 45001 and fully accredited to EA28 as a minimum.
Should you require SSIP certification alongside your ISO 45001 certificate, you must request this with the Certification Body provider directly ensuring that the additional SSIP scheme requirements are covered. A stand-alone ISO 45001 certificate does not meet SSIP requirements and falls outside of the SSIP Scheme.
Through the Deem to Satisfy agreement, assessments completed through Certification Body Member schemes benefit from one-way mutual recognition with all Registered Members subject to all correct details being displayed on the SSIP Portal.
The following Certification Body Members provide ISO 45001 and the UKAS SSIP Sector Scheme audit.
Supporter Members
Supporter Members stipulate that all of their supply chain partners hold SSIP certification.
Supporter Membership offers exclusive benefits, including the chance to participate in Full Forum meetings and to guide SSIP on industry-specific best practices. For Trade Associations and Main Contractors, Supporter Membership provides a platform for representing your members’ interests in the ongoing development of prequalification standards within SSIP.
Additionally, Supporter Members gain unrestricted access to the SSIP Portal, allowing you greater insight into supplier assessment information.

Mutual Recognition
SSIP Core Criteria
Supporter Membership
Get Assessed.
If you require SSIP certification, please select an appropriate Registered Member or Certification Body Member to do this with.
All assessments completed by Registered Members and Certification Body Members are equivalent and in accordance with the SSIP Core Criteria, ensuring the same threshold standard has been achieved by all suppliers.